What Was Calvary All About? Part Two Blog/Lesson Twenty
The Basics of Christianity continued: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the one and single event that proves He was and is the one True...
What was Calvary All About? Part One/ Blog/Lesson Nineteen
The Basics of Christianity continues There is NOT Christianity without the story of Calvary! Did you know that the revival with the...
Who Is Jesus? Part Eleven Blog/Lesson Eighteen
Basics of Christianity Jesus is God, was God and will always be God. Isn’t it exciting to know that Deity, the one true God comes out...
Who Is Jesus? Part Ten Blog/Lesson Seventeen
The names and phrases of Jesus give a broad view of who Jesus is. In our previous studies, we have found that Jesus was a three part...
Blog/ Lesson Sixteen Who Is Jesus? Part Nine
Would the REAL God please stand up! Who is Jesus? He was and is and will always be God? We serve ONE God, One Lord and One Spirit. How...
Blog/Lesson Fifteen Jesus and The last Day Part Eight
Jesus didn’t teach without a parable, partly because he was trying to help the people understand by metaphors and examples: Who hath ears...
Blog/Lesson Fourteen Who IS Jesus? Part Seven
As you have seen through these lessons; the Bible speaks of Jesus as both the ‘Son of God’ and the ‘Son of man’ with a (little m) to help...
Blog /Lesson Thirteen Who Is Jesus? Part Six
In order for the church to usher in the greatest awakening revival the earth has ever seen, we must know the challenge ahead of us....
Blog/Lesson Twelve Who IS Jesus? Part Five
Jesus said, “No one will take my life, I will lay it down and I will take it up again.” As the Son of man or out of Jesus’s humanity or...
Blog/Lesson Eleven Who Is Jesus? Part Four
Many Bible scholars have a hard time explaining the prayer Jesus prayed before He went to the whipping post and hang on the cross; in the...