Blog/Lesson Ten Who Is Jesus? Part Three
In order to defend our Faith in Christ today, the Truth must be revealed by the Spirit that Jesus was not just a great prophet, but was...
Blog/Lesson Nine Who Is Jesus? Part Two
Who is Jesus Christ to me? He is my Savior, and has been my best friend, for as long as I can remember. I received Him into my spiritual...
Blog/Lesson Eight Who Is Jesus? Part one of several continues lessons
Who Is Jesus? He is our risen Lord; born to a virgin; God"s Word (Spirit) came down in the body of a human baby boy to be our Messiah and...
Blog/Lesson Seven: What Are The Two Most Important Commandments of God?
What Are The Two Most Important Commandments of God? I wonder how many people have walked the aisle of a church, repeated a prayer and...
Blog/Lesson Six What Happens At Salvation?
Did you know that the ONLY time the Bible mentions that all of Heaven rejoices is when you and I receive Christ as our Lord and Savour?...
Blog/Lesson Five What Is The Most Important Choice A Human Being Will Ever Make?
Some of the most important decisions we will make in life are: right relationships, schools, college education, occupation or career...
Blog /Lesson Four How Do I know I'm Saved?
Will I feel different? Some people feel different; and have said: “I feel so clean inside,” And “I feel like a ton of weight has lifted...
Blog/LessonThree What are The Benefits of Receiving Salvation?
Did you know that Christianity is the only religion that believes God actually joins to our spiritual heart? He lives inside us and...
Blog/Lesson Two What Do We Do To Get Savation?
What do we do to get Salvation; if it is a free gift, and is for everyone? By our own freewill we choose to repent of our sins. This is...
Blog/Lesson One What is Salvation?
Does Salvation mean the same thing as: Being redeemed, repentance, being saved and being born again? Yes, these are all Biblical...